It's no secret that we love to put you babes in the cutest designer bikinis around; we search far and wide to find the hottest designs and styles to hand curate our boutique. Get to know one of the newest brands we're carrying here at ISHINE365, Nirvanic Swim.  We've teamed up with them to give away two of their itty bitty bikinis from their 2018 Collection, and we've got the inside scoop on the ins-and-outs of the brand from owners and founders, Lauren and Natalie Correa themselves. Check out the exclusive interview below and be sure to enter in our BFF giveaway on IG!
Q: To start, tell us how Nirvanic Swim came to be!
A: Born and raised in Miami, we've always had fashion & gorgeous beaches in our backyard. We grew up spending most of our time wearing swimwear, and we understand how swimwear is an expression of individuality & style. Inspired by the world’s finest beaches, we decided to create Nirvanic Swim in June of 2016.

Q: How would you describe the brand?
A: Nirvanic is an overwhelming feeling of unnatural bliss. You’re not sure where it came from and you’re a little afraid to find out. That is the feeling that we aspire to recreate in our collections and that we hope to inspire our #nirvanicbabes to explore and find. Nirvanic Swim is seamless comfortable swimwear for Women & Men that understand how swimwear is an expression of individuality and style.

Q: We know you design all of your own prints; can you take us through your creative process?
A: Lauren graduated with a degree in photography. She uses her photography & image manipulation skills to create each of the prints. She begins with an image and transforms it into the repetitive prints which you see on the swimwear.

Q: The swim industry is constantly banging out new trends, how do you keep up? Do you prefer being innovative with your designs or sticking to the basics?
A: Finding a good balance between the two has been key. We continue to differentiate ourselves through our prints. The creative process through which Lauren designs the prints is innovative, and as far as trends go, a designer always needs to be ahead of the trends and be the one creating the trends.

Q: What's the inspiration behind this season's collection?
A: Our travels are always the inspiration behind our collections. The 2018 collection was inspired by natural elements found throughout the Caribbean. For example, the crystal wave print was inspired by the ripples of the ocean.

Q: What’s one big trend you’re anticipating for the 2019 season?
A: For 2019 we anticipate bolder & more geometric focused designs.

Q: What, or who, inspires you?
A: We're inspired by traveling to different places around the globe. There is so much of it that we have yet to explore and each time we have the opportunity to experience the beauties of a new city, we leave being changed and inspired.

Q: Who's your celeb girl crush?
A: Emily Ratajwoski

Q: Who are your favorite artist(s) to jam out to?
A: The Weeknd, Ahsanti, Ozuna

Q: Top three tropical destinations?
A: 1) Tulum, Mexico
2) The Bahamas
3) South of France
If you haven't already seen their suits online, in stores or on or IG feeds, check 'em out here.
For our local Miami babes, mark your calendar for an exclusive Nirvanic Trunk Show at our South Miami Location this Thursday, 5-8 PM! Hope to see you there!